Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What is a non-linear Christian?

People wonder what a non-linear christian is. I think It is someone devoted to Christ that does not take all the suggested roads to him. I am secure in my humaness and am reasonably certain my way to him will be seen by the scripturely educated as abstact and overly wandering. The only comfort in response to this, is that the best educated and most dedicated biblical scholars throughout history are the ones who consistently missed Jesus's messages and frustrated him when he walked this earth. I love Jesus. I believe without a doubt, that he came and died for us all and through him we will go to heaven. I believe that most of what he taught us while he walked the earth has been overshadowed by the opinions of those who interpret after him.

I believe Jesus showed the true nature of God through his Parables and that they spoke more to the love God has for us as humans and sinners and that none deserve salvation. In Gods eyes I believe we are all %@#! ups. He created us this way and in Jesus He gave us a way to Emmulate in us what He loves and knows we can be. If he wanted us perfect He would have willed it . He could just as easily created all perfect sons and daughters instead of just one!

Should we remain ignorant of all Biblical knowledge? I do not recommend this. I do think being humble and above all else, being aware of Christ and God's tone, is what will serve us best. God gave us discernment. I do not buy into the rocket-scientist Christ.

I believe he brought it simple, Love God, love each other. Realize none of us deserve the glory of God. Look to the message beyond the words.

What was missed most often by the scholars who missed Christ was the message beyond the words, beyond the laws.


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